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United States


Technology buyer



Meredith Whalen

Chief Research Officer, IDC

  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Lapo Fioretti Loading
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    • Duncan Brown Loading
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Stewart Bond Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides insights from several presentations that IDC delivered at CIO forums/roundtables as well as in meetings with tech industry leaders in the summer of 2024. They focused on the barriers to greater roll...
  • By:  Meredith Whalen Loading

    These event proceedings were presented at the IDC Directions conferences in Boston and San Jose in March and April 2024.
  • By: 

    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Gina Smith, PhD Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
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