target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151950324

Data Spaces in Manufacturing


  • Lorenzo Veronesi Loading
  • Mark Casidsid Loading


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This IDC Perspective analyzes the key drivers of today's proliferation of business data spaces and their implications for shop-floor processes. It outlines different roles, data flow scenarios, and examples of data spaces as gathered from IDC research and interactions with companies active in these initiatives.

"Manufacturing data spaces focus on how data is transformed into insights to create high-value differentiators for products, customers, and markets. They also indicate how effectively organizations deliver meaningful, value-added learning predictions, and actions that improve engagement, processes, enterprise decision making, and resilience," said Lorenzo Veronesi, associate research director, IDC. "The success of data spaces depends on collaboration within and across enterprises which requires seamless exchange of information and inter-enterprise collaboration. This collaboration leads to transparency in decision making and trust among participants."


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