IDC Health Insights: Worldwide Connected Health and Medical Device Digital Strategies

The IDC Health Insights: Worldwide Connected Health and Medical Device Digital Strategies program provides in-depth analysis of the evolving healthcare technology landscape, focusing on the convergence of connected health and medical device innovation. This program addresses the challenges and opportunities facing connected health technology and services companies, medical device companies, and healthcare organizations, including new care delivery models, patient experience, convenient access to care, workforce experience enhancement, value-based healthcare, and outcome-based payment models. It explores how advanced technologies are used to enhance engagement, improve outcomes, transform operations, and support new business models. By offering a unique perspective on the health ecosystem, the program empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and advance the quality and equity of healthcare services and solutions.


This program leverages a multifaceted approach, combining in-depth analysis of digital transformation case studies, targeted surveys, and high-priority topic research from both primary and secondary sources. It delivers industry-specific and cross-sector insights, focusing on opportunities arising from the merging boundaries between health and life sciences' value chains. IDC Health Insights' analysts collaborate with subscribers, industry experts, end users, and technology vendors to provide timely, relevant, and actionable research.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address both established and emerging trends shaping the future of connected health and medical devices, including:

  • Care and business model innovation: Care anywhere, virtual care, hospital at home, software as a medical device, and medical device as a service
  • Medical device digital transformation: Adoption of data and intelligence-driven strategies in R&D, supply chain and operations optimization, safety and quality management, and go-to-market strategies
  • Patient-centric innovations: Consumer engagement, mobile health, wearables, remote health monitoring, and behavioral health solutions
  • Impact and adoption of advanced technologies in connected health and medical devices: AI/ML, GenAI, cloud, edge computing, 5G, IoT, cybersecurity, and next-generation health data platforms
  • Evolution of the regulatory landscape: Determine aspects of privacy, security, quality management, and risk strategies
  • Market dynamics: Vendor assessment, implementation best practices, and industry ecosystem evolution

Key Questions Answered

O Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. How are digital technologies redefining the connected health and medical device value chain? What is the impact on operational efficiency, innovation, and value creation for patients, customers, employees, and the broader health ecosystem?
  2. Which digital transformation use cases should connected health providers and medical device organizations prioritize? How can they scale adoption effectively?
  3. Who are the most innovative technology and services vendors in this sector? How do their offerings compare, and who are the leaders?
  4. How are connected health providers and medical devices advancing in the AI journey? What lessons and best practices have leading organizations learned so far?
  5. How are regulatory changes impacting the connected health and medical device industry, and how can companies leverage compliance as a competitive advantage?
  6. What technologies and strategies enhance cybersecurity and trust in connected health and medical device organizations? How can technology support patient safety, quality, and risk management?
  7. What are the best practices for deploying "care anywhere" initiatives, and how can organizations overcome implementation challenges? What drives patient engagement in these models?
  8. What are the best strategies and technologies for enabling "medical device as a service" models? Who are the key innovators in this space?

Who Should Subscribe

This service supports executives and stakeholders at healthcare organizations managing connected health services, mobile health, and consumer engagement, as well as key figures at medical device and connected health technology and services companies, including CIOs, CEOs, strategists, and business managers. Technology vendors offering solutions to this sector will also find this program highly valuable.