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United States



David Schubmehl

Research Vice President, Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Knowledge Discovery

  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Lapo Fioretti Loading
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    • Duncan Brown Loading
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Stewart Bond Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides insights from several presentations that IDC delivered at CIO forums/roundtables as well as in meetings with tech industry leaders in the summer of 2024. They focused on the barriers to greater roll...
  • By: 

    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    This IDC Survey, conducted in July 2024, uncovered insights into the technology choices that enterprises are making to support the development and deployment of GenAI. The Survey also uncovered some nuances between the needs of large and sm...
  • By: 

    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Kathy Lange Loading
    • Michele Rosen Loading
    • Deepika Giri Loading
    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Jevin Jensen Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation describes the capabilities required in a future AI platform that will allow enterprises to develop and deploy applications that employ both generative AI and predictive/prescriptive AI. This document also in...
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