IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2024 Nomination Toolkit

Your nomination guide to IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2024

We are at a new transformative chapter in the evolving digital business narrative —the AI everywhere revolution.

Generative AI's rise is reshaping how we interact with technology, unlocking unprecedented capabilities and possibilities. Future-forward organizations are advancing efforts to establish and expand innovative business models to sustain a viable digital business that will thrive in 2024 and beyond.

Now in its eighth year, we continue to gather the technology innovation leaders from the Asia/Pacific region, engage cutting-edge organizations, and call to all who unlock their potential to be the gold standard in a digital-first world.

Join our search for emerging Future Enterprises and get recognized as a prominent digital business in this transformative landscape across Asia/Pacific. Prove and validate your digital reinvention in 2024.

Get a copy of IDC's Future Enterprise Awards 2024 Nomination Toolkit to guide you in nominating trailblazers of the digital landscape in this digital business era.

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