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IDC, Dell Technologies & Intel Webinar

Unlocking The Real Data Value: Accelerate Business Outcomes By Bringing AI To Your Data With Edge Technologies

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Microsoft Teams - 9:30am GMT/10:30am CET


Digital technologies do play a pivotal role in enhancing business operations. However, realizing their full benefits necessitates the availability of relevant data and the implementation of comprehensive data management strategies.

All too often, even in modern organizations, major barriers (from poorly integrated legacy operational data sources to lack of data governance) exist around the availability of collecting, processing, and sharing business-relevant data in a secure and trusted way.

Today is when edge deployments can take center stage. Improved efficiency, cost control and compliance are the key drivers. Edge is also becoming a viable platform to run Industrial AI models. It needs to be simple to operate to maximize the benefit and increase the speed of adoption.

In this webcast, co-hosted by IDC, Dell Technologies and Intel, delegates will gain new insights about how you can:

• Become a data-centric organization that relies on real-time information flows

• Bridge the data gap with secure connectivity

• Empower internal it teams to focus on driving business value

• How Manufacturing and Retail organizations can inspire each other in terms of leveraging the edge to drive the use cases


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Wednesday October 9, 2024

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IDC, Dell Technologies & Intel Webinar





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Event Manager IDC UK


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