target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR150239523

The 3D CISO: Archetypes for the Modern Chief Information Security Officer


  • Duncan Brown Loading
  • Joel Stradling Loading
  • David Clemente Loading
  • Shilpi Handa Loading


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This IDC Perspective explores the evolving nature of the chief information security officer (CISO) role in EMEA. We introduce the concept of the three-dimensional (3D) CISO and explore seven emerging archetypes that organizations may find useful in appointing a security leader.

A skills shortage and the need for security to become much more closely aligned with business and digital innovation is leading to the evolution of the role of chief information security officer into seven archetypes," said Duncan Brown, group vice president, IDC EMEA. "The concept of a 3D CISO is new, but we have identified many examples from IDC's CISO community in EMEA. Deep security expertise is no longer an essential part of a CISO's credentials: what is most important is the ability to affect change in an organization."


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