target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Web Conference Proceeding: Tech Buyer - Doc  Document number: # EUR150624322

Trust in Data and Analytics: Why Organizations Need it, and How and Where They Build It


  • Giovanni Cervellati Loading
  • Wiktor Markiewicz Loading


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This IDC Web Conference will explore the most important topics, actions, and concerns in the European data and analytics scenario to drive success and obtain real business value.

For organizations to become more data-driven in their decision making, they must build trust in data and analytics — but that is easier said than done. How are organizations attempting to make their data and analytics trustworthy? What works, and what doesn't work?

Leveraging findings from an IDC survey of over 500 organizations across Europe, this webinar will explain how and where organizations must act to improve trust and improve their "enterprise intelligence" and show how and where organizations are responding to the challenge with investments and actions.

This webcast finds out where organizations are investing, what they are learning, what they want, and where they are going in 2023 and beyond.


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