target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2023 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # EUR151542523

IDC PeerScape: CPaaS — Successes in Optimizing Healthcare Management in Europe

By:  Melissa Holtz-Fremeijer Loading


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IDC interviewed some leading CPaaS vendors that have successful use cases for European healthcare organizations and technology providers to optimize healthcare management in Europe.

This IDC PeerScape provides an insight into how CPaaS is used in the healthcare sector, including challenges that surfaced and how these were addressed. IDC interviewed leading CPaaS vendors that have successful use cases for European healthcare organizations and technology providers to optimize healthcare management in Europe.

"Healthcare services and technology providers are finding new ways to answer to new requirements, the need for secure data control, evolving governmental regulations, and staffing issues while maintaining quality of care to patients," said Melissa Holtz-Fremeijer, research manager, IDC European Infrastructure & Communications." Critical factors to successful deployments lie in simplicity of use, customizability, and expertise from CPaaS providers to guide them on their journeys."


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