target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jan 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151605024

An Assessment of Sovereign Cloud Solutions Offered by Five Global Cloud Providers

By:  Rahiel Nasir Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective assesses sovereign cloud solutions offered by five major global cloud providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle.

There is growing interest in sovereign cloud solutions globally, with 53% of organizations surveyed planning to use or currently using such solutions. The main business benefit of using sovereign cloud solutions, as identified by 44% of respondents, is a stronger security posture. This report describes each provider's approach to sovereign cloud solutions. These range from products and services that are purportedly "sovereign by design" (as typified by AWS) to those that are "designed for sovereignty" (as typified by Oracle).

"Providers that will make headway in the sovereign cloud market are those that can educate the market about how important sovereignty is and what is needed for successful implementation. Those that consider other attributes of sovereignty beyond data sovereignty and recognize the complexities of implementing digital sovereignty in the real world will also succeed," said Rahiel Nasir, lead analyst for IDC Worldwide Digital Sovereignty and associate research director for IDC European Cloud.


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