target audience: TECH SUPPLIER Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc Document number: # META50639923
Edge Infrastructure Priorities and Innovation Opportunities for Telcos in the META Region
- 19 slides
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This IDC Market Presentation examines the innate advantage telecommunications companies have in providing edge computing for a range of deployment models. Various IDC research datapoints are used to illustrate that although edge represents a new frontier of digital infrastructure, telcos are struggling to monetize it. According to IDC's 2023 Telecom and IoT Survey, 32% of organizations in the Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa (META) are either already using edge computing or planning to use it in the next two years. Additionally, 44% of the survey respondents identified the need for faster response times for latency-sensitive applications as their prime reason for adopting edge computing.