target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # META51282623

Lessons Learned from Implementing Conversational AI in Banking in the UAE

By:  Melih Murat Loading


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This IDC Perspective examines best practices for businesses implementing conversational AI. It is based on the experiences of financial services organizations in the UAE that are using conversational AI in external self-service use cases.

"Conversational AI has been a key investment area of organizations across government, retail, finance, and utilities, primarily driven by the organizational priorities to deliver differentiated customer value. Some organizations have embarked on this journey earlier than others and have accumulated significant know-how. Organizations should treat these projects in a strategic manner. Organization-wide alignment and implementing a change management process up front define the success of these projects and ensure continuous customer value delivery." — Associate Research Director Melih Murat, IDC Middle East, Turkey, and Africa


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