Bjoern Stengel
In this new world of accelerating AI and other high-powered mission-critical applications, all companies will need to rethink how they will support the power and cooling needs of these workloads and the systems that run them, and datacenter...
This IDC Market Presentation provides insights into IT buyers' perception of sustainability-enabling AI product and services vendors and the value proposition of their offerings. It also covers the critical areas around AI and sustainabilit...
This IDC Survey features maturity segmentations based on IT buyers' AI adoption levels and sustainable transformation efforts. Segmenting responses by maturity levels helps IT product and services vendors develop strategies that resonate wi...
This IDC Survey Spotlight identifies key considerations of C-suite executives in the context of investing in AI-enabled solutions that can help their organizations on their sustainable transformation journeys. The document provides a split ...
AI & Sustainability Market Trends: Vendor Selection Criteria and Buyer Perception
IDC CIO Advisory Board - Making Sustainability Real for the CIO
IDC MaturityScape: Environmental and social transformation strategies
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