target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2021 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US46742320

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide eSignature Software 2021 Vendor Assessment


  • Holly Muscolino Loading
  • Steve Charbonnier
  • Marci Maddox Loading


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This IDC study examines various esignature software vendors worldwide. eSignature solutions are an important element in improving both the efficiency and the experience surrounding business-to-business and business-to-consumer content-centric workflows. As an increasing number of documents are "born digital" and organizations continue to digitally transform content-centric workflows, esignature technology has enabled those workflows to remain digital and drive benefits including reduction in transaction time and cost, increased security, and improved employee, supplier, partner, and customer experiences.

"The contribution of esignature technology to business continuity became glaringly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic," says Holly Muscolino, research vice president, Content Strategies and the Future of Work. "Gaps were exposed in organizations without end-to-end digitally transformed business processes, and remote workers had to seek alternative methods to move the process forward."


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