target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2021 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US47917321

IDC PeerScape: Practices for Enabling Innovation with Agile Quality, Continuous Testing and Modern Development

By:  Melinda-Carol Ballou Loading


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This IDC PeerScape describes five practices for speeding adoption of agile quality and continuous testing: begin small with targeted teams and projects and executive evangelism; publicly reward a "failing fast" approach along with transformation leaders and coordination between designers, developers, and testers; embed testers into sprint developer teams to improve continuous testing and collaboration; establish traceability between user stories and requirements and keep test inventory current; and adopt test automation consistently and educate teams about visibility into "failures" as a benefit to be embraced (not avoided) for agile adoption. This IDC PeerScape evaluates these approaches and presents examples of organizations that have leveraged them to successfully incorporate agile testing in order to benefit from the high quality, cost savings, and greater relevancy of software initiatives with faster deployment and execution times.

"One of the biggest barriers to agile DevOps is the lack of agile approaches for continuous quality and testing," said Melinda Ballou, research director for IDC's Agile Application Life-Cycle Management, Quality and Portfolio Strategies. "The high costs of iterative software failure are prodigious, including irrelevant and broken code, production and system failures, delayed deployments, and chaotic, faulty sprint execution, where mistakes from prior iterations haunt future sprints. This IDC PeerScape lays out several practices for agile quality success to buttress and support intent for agile resilience with continuous testing execution."


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