target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2022 - Document type: IDC MaturityScape - Doc  Document number: # US48512122

IDC MaturityScape: Enterprise Asset Management 1.0

By:  Juliana Beauvais


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This IDC study describes the IDC MaturityScape for enterprise asset management (EAM). IDC developed the EAM maturity model to help organizations define and assess their current enterprise asset operations, processes, and capabilities. It provides a framework for enterprise asset managers to identify the stages, critical measures, outcomes, and actions required for organizations to evolve their digital strategy for asset-related operations. In addition, organizations will use the IDC MaturityScape as a tool to promote cross-functional and interorganizational collaboration to drive performance improvement and asset life-cycle management into alignment. This study's intended audience is senior-level and business-focused leaders, CIOs, and COOs responsible for the planning, execution, and delivery of enterprise asset management in all types of industries and sectors.

"Shifting from a reactive maintenance cost center to a prescriptive profit-focused enterprise asset management function starts with digitally upgrading outdated systems for better data and workflow oversight," says Juliana Beauvais, research manager, Enterprise Asset Management and Smart Facilities at IDC. "But to truly transform, leaders will focus on building trust between operations, reliability, and maintenance and supporting the organization with live, connected, and integrated insights."


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