target audience: TECH SUPPLIER Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc Document number: # US49875823
Industry Personas Handbook: Worldwide Life Sciences, 2022/2023
- 22 slides
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This IDC Market Presentation examines IDC's Worldwide Life Sciences Personas Handbook, designed to provide technology vendors a better understanding of their buyer personas. It aims to answer the following questions:
Who are the key personas I need to address with my:
- Offering (products and services)
- Marketing messages
- Sales campaign
- Sales activity
What are their strategic priorities and their day-to-day activities?
What are their major pains and challenges?
What are their KPIs?
This IDC Presentation focuses on the C-suite level and provides an overview of key executives in life sciences organizations. The strategic priorities, pain points, and KPIs described for each persona are intended to support the early stages of the sales funnel, such as in the stages of awareness creation, interest, and consideration. It will not focus on how to approach procurement departments once decisions for purchase have been made.
"Identifying the right target personas and understanding their role-specific priorities, pain points, and KPIs in the face of the increasingly complex life sciences stakeholder ecosystem is essential for tech vendors to design and execute effective sales and marketing strategies and maximize the value of interactions with key decision makers and influencers," said Nino Giguashvili, research manager, IDC Health Insights.