target audience: TECH BUYER Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc Document number: # US50218023
IDC PlanScape: Planning for Industry Ecosystems
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This IDC PlanScape is a guide for organizations across all industries planning to evolve their linear value chain approach to a multifaceted, dynamic industry ecosystem strategy. Increasingly, organizations are realizing the benefit of developing new business models with partners within and outside their industry that are focused on sharing data and insights, sharing applications, and sharing operations and expertise.
"While the specific approach and breadth of industry ecosystems will differ for each organization, what is consistent is the need to establish a unified foundation of data, applications, and operations. This approach enables flexible operations in the face of any disruption or opportunity and consistent, timely innovation," said Jeffrey Hojlo, research vice president, IDC's Future of Industry Ecosystems.