target audience: TECH SUPPLIER Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc Document number: # US50484923
Messaging Trust: The Greatest Perceived Security Weaknesses of Public Cloud IaaS Companies That Were Considered But Not Ultimately Selected
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This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the importance of trust messaging in promoting the security capabilities of your company. In the example provided in this document we focus on findings from the IDC Trust Perception Index for public cloud IaaS providers. The IDC Trust Perception Index is an outcomes-based measurement tool intended to evaluate an organization's perceived trust position relative to the organization's marketplace peers. Respondents were asked which companies they ultimately selected for their public cloud IaaS provider and were also asked what companies they had considered but ultimately did not select. We also asked respondents to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of this provider. This IDC Survey Spotlight provides the identified security weaknesses of the public cloud IaaS providers not selected and guidance on trust messaging strategy. Detailed findings can be found in The IDC Trust Perception Index: Measuring the Four Foundations of Trust (Security, Privacy, Compliance, and ESG) for the Top IaaS Providers (IDC #US49817122, November 2022).