target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50823923

Blockchain Fixes for GenAI’s Challenges

By:  Phillip Silitschanu


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This IDC Perspective examines how blockchain can address the two greatest problems facing GenAI: how to prevent protected data or intellectual property from being improperly used in GenAI, and how to ensure that newfound information is not spurious or inaccurate answers generated by GenAI or "bots."

"Some predict that GenAI will usher in a new era in civilization. Others fear that these same cutting-edge capabilities will bring about a dark era of nefarious use of GenAI for evil or criminal activities," says IDC research director Phillip Silitschanu. "Blockchain can solve two of the greatest problems the world faces as GenAI continues to grow."


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