target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51041023

Industry Ecosystems Matter for Customer Experience

By:  Jeffrey Hojlo Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight answers the following question: How important are industry ecosystem partnerships to maintaining and improving quality customer experiences (CXs)?

Customer experience, whether we are discussing discrete and process manufacturing, construction, healthcare, or retail industries (or other), is omni-channel, supported by multiple tools, processes, and data models. These experiences are also supported by interconnected partners working together by sharing the requisite and related customer data and insights, applications, and operations and expertise.

In IDC's recently completed (third annual) 2023 Future of Industry Ecosystems Global Survey (n = 1,288) fielded to CXOs, business-line executives, and IT leaders, we strive to determine current and planned approaches to industry ecosystems. More specifically, we ask questions related to strategy, use case focus, and IT investment for industry ecosystem success. For IT investment, cloud infrastructure and applications and cybersecurity remain critical, while customer data platforms (CDPs) is also a top 3 focus. Sharing customer data with ecosystem partners is not something end-user organizations have extensively done in the past — but that is changing, with products, services, and experiences delivered quickly in a blended physical and digital way, innovation expectations high, and end customers that demand personalized experiences. A network of on-demand partners that share mutually beneficial customer data makes this possible and scalable.

Organizations realize that they must work closely with their partners to orchestrate that end-user experience (whether consumer, customer, citizen, or patient) while having this be seamless and substantive. As such, for three years running in our Future of Industry Ecosystems Global Survey, CDPs continue to be a leading IT investment in support of industry ecosystems. This IDC Survey Spotlight explores the reasons why and what we expect moving forward.


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