target audience: TECH SUPPLIER Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc Document number: # US51110124
IDC Survey Spotlight: Artificial Intelligence Investment for Industrial IoT Operations
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This IDC Survey Spotlight focuses on how industrial operations benefit and invest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for analysis and data-driven operations. AI tools such as ChatGPT and other AI tools have driven organizations to reevaluate how their IoT projects concerning AI/ML integration and their use can be expanded. The technology surrounding AI/ML is still developing, but the potential uses will benefit process improvement, decision making, and workforce assistance.
IDC's August 2022 Worldwide Future of Operations Survey highlights how companies have been using AI/ML tools to date and what are their future investment plans. According to the survey, 48.1% of respondents claim that AI/ML tools are important to extracting new and valuable operational insights. Another 31.8% of respondents claimed that AI/ML is critical for data analysis to inform operational decisions.
"Many industrial organizations have already been using AI/ML to some capacity. Predictive maintenance and advanced machine vision inspection are popular use cases today. With AI becoming more popular, the technology will become integrated further for operational processes and to aid in data-driven operations," said Carlos M. González, research manager of Internet of Things Ecosystems and Trends at IDC. "The ability for AI/ML to learn from previous models will help aid future projects. The technology has significant potential to become a programming aid tool for new employees as they enter the workforce."
This IDC Survey Spotlight is based on IDC's August 2022 Worldwide Future of Operations Survey, which surveyed 1,372 respondents.