target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2023 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US51313823

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Communications Service Provider Digital Infrastructure and Services 2023 Vendor Assessment


  • Peter Chahal Loading
  • Courtney Munroe Loading


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This IDC study presents a worldwide communications service provider (comms SP) assessment of their digital infrastructure and managed services, looking specifically at how comms SPs have expanded and transitioned their communications infrastructure and operations through digital transformation to become more agile at offering advanced digital and managed services to business customers, and transition from telco to techco.. In this assessment, the IDC MarketScape model was used to evaluate both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights that define success in the digital infrastructure and managed services transformation. The evaluation is based on a comprehensive and rigorous framework that assesses each comms SP relative to the criteria and to one another. It is apparent through the IDC MarketScape process that all the comms SPs have a strong digital transformation plan, but some are more progressed than others for now.

"To capitalize on new opportunities, comms SPs across the globe are migrating from physical networks to software-defined virtual networks that support greater scale and increased velocity and creativity to offer more dynamic business and consumer services," says Peter Chahal, research director, IDC Telecom Insights. "Comms SPs are accelerating their digital infrastructure and managed service transformation initiatives across communication networks, IT, and business operations to become more agile digital service providers, and transition from telco to techco."


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