target audience: TECH SUPPLIER Publication date: Feb 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc Document number: # US51841524
Network Automation: Existing Drivers and Expected Benefits
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This IDC Survey Spotlight provides insights into the primary driving forces and anticipated top rewards for enterprises looking to heighten automation across their network infrastructure. The list covers a wide range of both tactical and strategic drivers (from cost reduction to digital acceleration) and benefits (from MTTR improvement to operational efficiency). This IDC Survey Spotlight contains a select data view from IDC's 2023 Worldwide State of Network Automation Survey. The highlighted data charts present a view of total worldwide responses combining responses from 3 major regions and 20 vertical industries.
"Automation is a strategic priority for IT executives and, as such, a significant area of focus for the technology staff across all digital infrastructure domains. Given the criticality, complexity, and constantly changing nature of the network infrastructure, automation offers significant potential gains in network deployments, operations, and advancements. IDC survey results indicate that IT organizations are driven forward in network automation by both existing and developing needs and that their expectations for network automation focus on both immediate improvements and returns that deliver more value over time. As IDC studies bear out, the network automation journey is neither simple nor straightforward, but the reward can be significant." — Mark Leary, research director, Network Observability and Automation, IDC