target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US52021924

IDC PlanScape: Data Tech Debt

By:  Dr. Ken Knapton Loading


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This IDC PlanScape provides insights into how rogue data and data sprawl contribute to an organization's tech debt and the negative effect it can have on overall tech debt leverage. The intent is to provide tools and guidance to IT leaders as they strive to communicate the impact that poor data hygiene has on their ability to deliver on key strategic initiatives for their company.

"Poor data hygiene practices within an organization contribute to tech debt within that organization and can negatively affect the overall tech debt leverage," says Ken Knapton, adjunct research advisor for IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "Addressing rogue data and data sprawl with clear policies and procedures around improving data hygiene helps reduce overall tech debt and improves the ability to reach strategic goals."


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