rsscloudcomputing IDC RSS alerts Lenovo Delivers Hybrid AI to the Enterprise <P>Lenovo announces Hybrid AI Advantage with NVIDIA to accelerate its AI ambitions in the enterprise by supporting AI workloads that span multiple computing environments. Combined with their TruScale dedicated cloud infrastructure offering, customers get the same kind of pay-as-you-go pricing and dynamic scaling they experience with public clouds.</P> IDC Link Sun, 27 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Rob Tiffany 2024年 国内クラウド市場 テクノロジー動向分析:GenAIの発展が与える影響 <P>本調査レポートは、著しい発展を続けるGenerative AI(生成系AI:以下、GenAI)、マルチクラウド/クラウドネイティブに関わるテクノロジー動向を分析し、国内クラウド市場に与える影響を考察したものである。</P><P>現在、GenAIを活用したAI(Artificial Intelligence:人工知能)エージェントに関わる製品/サービスを多くのベンダーが提供を始めた。AIエージェントは登場して間もないが、急速にマルチAIエージェントシステムに進化する。マルチAIエージェントシステムは、ユースケースを飛躍的に拡大し、ベンダーにとって先行者利益が見込める分野である。「ベンダーはエコシステムを活性化して、マルチAIエージェントシステムを活用したオファリングの開発速度を上げることが重要である」と、IDC Japan、Software & Servicesのリサーチディレクターである松本 聡は述べている。</P> Market Perspective Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Satoshi Matsumoto Digital-Native Business Survey, 2024: Part 2 — Technology Investments and Top Vendors <P>This IDC Survey explores the technology spending and investment trends of digital-native businesses, start-ups, and scale-ups. We examine data from IDC's 2024 <I>Digital</I><I>-</I><I>Native Business Survey,</I> which asks how 1,271 companies expect their budgets to change, in which technologies they expect to make new investments, and their top vendor partners — including companies such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Oracle, Salesforce, IBM, SAP, and Cisco. </P><P>In this presentation, we offer recommendations to technology suppliers on how to articulate their offerings to digital-native businesses, the unique support digital natives may need as compared with traditional organizations, and the topics in which vendor sales staff should be fluent. </P> IDC Survey Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Craig Powers Disaster Recovery in the Cloud, 2024 <P>This IDC Survey draws upon IDC's <I>Cloud Pulse </I><I>S</I><I>urvey</I> responses from around 1,300 cloud buyers, each over four quarters to find out how disaster recovery (DR) is being factored into cloud strategies and where future investments will focus. Organizations, their customers and regulators, are placing an increased emphasis on resiliency, and this is driving a more modern approach to disaster recovery, which is now factoring in many cloud strategies. </P> IDC Survey Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Penny Madsen, Ryan Caskey Industry Tech Path, 2024: Visualization and Analysis Portal <P>This IDC Market Perspective provides clients of IDC's Industry Tech Path program with access to the Industry Tech Path 2024 Visualization and Analysis Portal. This portal is a perfect "playground" for you to explore the cloud, generative AI, and cybersecurity topics in Industry Tech Path and look at findings through the lens of various buyer profiles.</P><P>The portal allows you to slice and dice all Industry Tech Path data using various filters, including:</P><UL><LI>Region</LI><LI>Country</LI><LI>Industry</LI><LI>Company size</LI><LI>Department</LI><LI>Role</LI></UL><P>Upon selecting your filters, the portal instantly presents you with a visualization of the data and allows you to export the graphic easily into PPT, PDF, or Excel. </P><P>The Industry Tech Path Visualization and Analysis Portal can be accessed by clicking here.</P> Market Perspective Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Eric Newmark, Nadia Ballard, Frank Della Rosa, Simo Balghannou Key Challenges Enterprises Face with IaaS Network Services in the Cloud <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight offers insights into the top challenges that enterprises face with the usage of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) network services from cloud service providers such as AWS, Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Oracle. These survey results are drawn from IDC's 2024 <I>IaaS Network Services Special Report,</I> driven by an extensive multiregional survey of 1,000 key enterprise network experts across North America and Western Europe. </P><P>This presentation covers key enterprise concerns associated with IaaS network services. The focus of this research is IaaS network services offered by cloud service providers to enable networking and connectivity across the enterprise digital infrastructure. While this IDC Survey Spotlight offers only a view into total responses, results are available by geographic region, select country, company size, major vertical industries, respondent's title (e.g., cloud/network architects, VP/directors/managers) and infrastructure deployment type (hybrid/multicloud).</P><P>"IDC research indicates that the top-ranked drivers for modern enterprises using IaaS network services from cloud service providers is to derive all the hyperscale cloud benefits of scalability, resiliency, security, and global reach. Certainly, among other top drivers, organizations want to improve staff productivity, enhance network service quality, provide better developer experience, and more. IDC research also indicates that enterprise organizations face several challenges while using IaaS network services. High costs, complex management, scalability issues, security, and observability are just some of the barriers causing concern among organizations. IaaS networking providers must address these challenges promptly. Providers that proactively tackle these issues will position themselves as the go-to partners for enterprises navigating the networking demands of modern digital applications distributed across clouds, on-prem, and edge environments." — Taranvir Singh, research manager, Cloud Networking Services, IDC </P> IDC Survey Spotlight Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Taranvir Singh Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa Generative AI Use Case Adoption Trends: Government <P>Generative AI (GenAI) is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of enterprise digital strategies. Given that GenAI adoption is still in its early stages, approaches vary widely across industries, regions, and company sizes. Some businesses are still exploring GenAI's potential, while others have already implemented solutions and seen tangible benefits. </P><P>The <I>IDC</I><I> Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa</I> <I>(</I><I>META</I><I>)</I><I> Generative AI Use</I> <I>Case Adoption Trends</I> series provides a regional and industry-specific analysis of GenAI adoption in the region. This study offers key insights into GenAI maturity, spending plans, and use cases within the government sector.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Melih Murat, George Ayad Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa Generative AI Use Case Adoption Trends: Transportation and Logistics <P>Generative AI (GenAI) is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of enterprise digital strategies. Given that GenAI adoption is still in its early stages, approaches vary widely across industries, regions, and company sizes. Some businesses are still exploring GenAI's potential, while others have already implemented solutions and seen tangible benefits. </P><P>The <I>IDC</I><I> Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa</I> <I>(</I><I>META</I><I>)</I><I> Generative AI Use</I> <I>Case Adoption Trends</I> series provides a regional and industry-specific analysis of GenAI adoption in the region. This study offers key insights into GenAI maturity, spending plans, and use cases within the META transportation and logistics sector.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 25 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Arif Sultan Shiekh, Melih Murat, George Ayad Hybrid and Private Cloud Continue to Thrive <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the results of IDC's 2024 <I>W</I><I>orldwide Intelligent </I><I>Cloud</I><I>O</I><I>ps</I><I> and Edge with FinOps </I><I>S</I><I>urvey</I><I>.</I> This survey shows that enterprises operate in hybrid cloud mode. Even when looking ahead for two years, enterprises tell IDC that a significant portion of production workloads will remain on premises across all industry verticals. The edge plays an essential role in the future with edge production and customer applications ready to grow faster. Companies using multiple public cloud providers will need help managing this complexity. </P> IDC Survey Spotlight Thu, 24 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jevin Jensen IDC Playbook for Tech Sales Leaders:2024年 国内IT市場-SMB、地方ユーザーにDXを推進するための施策 <P>本調査レポートは、国内IT市場の中でもSMB(Small and Medium-sized Business:従業員規模999人以下の中堅中小企業)、および大都市圏以外の地域(北海道/東北地方、北陸/甲信越地方、中国/四国地方、九州/沖縄地方)のユーザーの現状や将来のトレンド、特にデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)の推進動向に関して分析したものである。また、これらのセグメントの企業へのDX支援に際して、ITサプライヤーに求められる施策についても考察している。IDCの調査に基づいて、顧客、競合、市場に関するインサイトを提供すると共に、ITバイヤーとITサプライヤーの取るべき行動とその実施戦略を提言する。ITサプライヤーのセールスリーダーが、顧客の購買基準や市場動向の影響を明確にする際、活用できる情報が多く含まれる。</P> Market Presentation Thu, 24 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Hitoshi Ichimura