rsssoftware IDC RSS alerts Hyland Unveils The Content Innovation Cloud at CommunityLIVE 2024 <P>Hyland hosted its annual CommunityLIVE customer and partner event at the Gaylord National resort in National Harbor, Maryland, September 22-26, 2024. This was the first CommunityLIVE event for Hyland's new president and CEO Jitesh Ghai, who unveiled a fresh vision for unifying Hyland's broad content and process portfolio with a new platform strategy that leverages generative AI. This new, multi-year approach is supported by continued delivery on what is christened The Content Innovation Cloud. Hyland emphasized the ability to unlock value from unstructured data within Hyland and third-party repositories. In addition to a focus on innovation, Hyland's tagline at the event was "meeting customers where they are". </P> IDC Link Fri, 04 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Holly Muscolino To What Extent Are Developers Responsible for Foundation Model Selection and Foundation Model Transformation? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight examines data regarding the role of IT personas such as developers, data scientists, platform engineers, IT operators, DevOps professionals, QA and testing professionals, and business analysts across a multitude of generative AI workstreams. Relevant workstreams include chip and processor selection, foundation model selection, and foundation model transformation by means of modalities such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), fine-tuning, reflection tuning, and function calling. Additional workstreams include model deployment as well as the deployment of solutions that leverage foundation models. The findings illustrate that a multitude of personas are involved in each of these workstreams. Notably, developers are key contributors to the making of final decisions about each of these workstreams.</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Fri, 04 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Arnal Dayaratna To What Extent Do AI Coding Assistants Improve Developer Productivity? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight examines data regarding how AI coding assistants enhance developer productivity. The findings provide quantitative data that illustrate why AI coding assistants constitute one of the most widely adopted generative AI technologies. The productivity benefits of using AI coding assistants enable developers to bring products to market faster, accelerate the resolution of development-related issues, more expediently understand existing code, automate repetitive tasks, and focus on higher-value development tasks. Examples of coding assistants include GitHub Copilot, Amazon Q, Gemini Code Assist, Replit Ghostwriter, Cursor AI, Oracle Code Assist, IBM watsonx Code Assistant, Tabine, and Codeium. </P> IDC Survey Spotlight Fri, 04 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Arnal Dayaratna CIO视角-中国未来信任优秀案例,2024 <P>数字化转型时代下,最终用户ICT支出的不断增大,新技术应用的不断增多使得其网络风险的暴露面进一步扩大,全球网络安全事件层出不穷,网络安全防护变得难上加难。为了应对愈发严峻的网络威胁形势,越来越多的最终用户加强了其在网络安全建设上的投入,从而来更好地应对风险,迎接挑战。本次研究结合了优秀的网络安全建设案例进行分析,客观呈现中国网络安全市场当前的发展特点,并为CIO/CSO的网络安全建设提供参考。</P> IDC Perspective Thu, 03 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Sophia Wang IDC TechScape: 中国网络安全软件技术发展路线图,2024 <P>本次 IDC 研究使用 IDC TechScape 模型对中国网络安全软件市场进行了系统化的评估与分析。IDC TechScape 模型将网络安全软件技术分成了变革型技术、增量型技术和机会型技术三大类,并对不同网络安全软件技术的发展阶段进行了可视化展示。根据市场调研结果,细致分析了不同技术的部署情况、部署风险、市场热度、技术优劣势等内容,并针对每一项技术给出了推荐厂商名录,帮助最终用户在了解技术发展阶段和内容的同时更好地选择合适的技术服务提供商,从而赋能最终用户的网络安全体系建设。</P> IDC TechScape Thu, 03 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Austin Zhao Commvault Doubles Down on Cloud and Cloud-Native Protection Coverage with Clumio Acquisition <P>Commvault has acquired cloud-native backup and recovery provider Clumio to strengthen its AWS data protection capabilities to meet customers’ multicloud resilience needs. Clumio marks Commvault’s second cloud-native platform acquisition in six months, indicating its focused strategy to expand its coverage of data and modern applications.</P> IDC Link Wed, 02 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Archana Venkatraman IBM Quantum: 156-Qubit Heron, Qiskit Functions, and the Future of Quantum Development <P>As gate-based quantum computing systems inch closer to scaled quantum systems that will be used by scientists and engineers to solve complex real-world problems, so too is the need for tools and resources that make quantum computing useful and accessible. Not only is IBM Quantum developing and deploying utility-scale quantum computing systems such as the second IBM Quantum system powered by the IBM 156-qubit Heron quantum processor now available on the IBM Quantum Platform and IBM Cloud, but the quantum hardware vendor is also developing the software, specifically the Qiskit Functions Catalog, which eases the process of writing and running quantum applications for non-quantum specialists. </P> IDC Link Wed, 02 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Heather West, PhD IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Employee Experience Consulting Services 2024 Vendor Assessment <P>This IDC study assesses the vendor performance of employee experience (EX) consulting service providers worldwide. EX consulting providers all partner well with their clients, providing a diverse field of points of entry to initializing and expanding their engagements based on the unique transformational needs of each client engagement. EX transformation is acutely unique for each organization, leading to key client challenges in selecting the right partner based on the scope of services available, the nature of the requirements for engagement, and the point of entry within the functional, operational, and stakeholder ecosystem that the client is requisitioning the partnership. Partners and clients must communicate effectively from the first points of client informational inquiries to ensure that the client's scope of engagement requirements is reflected in the material capabilities of the provider seeking the partnership. The importance of selecting the right approach in addition to the right provider cannot be overstated as mismatched clients and partners will lead to financially immaterial engagements for both even if client operational goals are ultimately achieved and/or fulfilled.</P><P>"Choosing an EX consulting partner is complex and requires an acute understanding of the true challenges facing your organization," says Zachary Chertok, research manager for Employee Experience at IDC. "EX transformation is behavioral, cultural, digital, organizational, and operational while involving many operational, HR, and managerial stakeholders. It is incredibly important to know what you do not know about your data gaps, cultural shortcomings, employee engagement, and leadership quality prior to selecting a point of engagement with a potential partner so that you can hit the ground running in the right direction from day 1 with the right partner."</P> IDC MarketScape Wed, 02 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Zachary Chertok Dreamforce 2024: Salesforce Data Cloud Lays the Data Strategy Foundation Needed for Agentforce <P>Salesforce held its annual Dreamforce conference from September 16 to 19, 2024. The event showcased announcements and keynotes centered around artificial intelligence (AI), agentic AI and data, including the launch of Agentforce and momentum behind Data Cloud. Besides showcasing several new and planned Data Cloud capabilities — unstructured data, standardized semantic data model, data security and data governance features, and real-time data activations — it was clear that Data Cloud provides the much-needed foundation to power Agentforce, as well as every other Salesforce application, and deliver trusted experiences.</P> IDC Link Tue, 01 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT Tapan Patel IDC: Asia/Pacific* Edge Spending Expected to Hit $84 Billion in 2028 SINGAPORE, 2 October 2024 – According to the latest IDC Worldwide Edge Spending Guide , Asia/Pacific* spending on edge computing is forecasted to reach $48.9 billion in 2024, an increase of 16.2% over 2023. This includes combined enterprise and service provider spending on hardware, software, professional services, and provisioned services for edge solutions. IDC expects spending on Edge to grow at a five-year CAGR of 15% over the forecast period (2023-28) and reach USD 84 billion by 2028. Tracker Press Release Tue, 01 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMT