target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2019 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US44662019

Nine Cultural Collaboration Accelerators

By:  Wayne Kurtzman Loading


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This IDC Perspective reviews the role that collaboration applications and company culture play in accelerating productivity, customer experience, and employee experience. Collaboration is the interpersonal activities that creates value when we work together. Consumerization of mobile technology and access to applications have also made collaboration applications commonplace. Employees want the same ease of communications and working together in their workplace that they have outside with family and community groups. Businesses have an opportunity to leverage the collaborative mindset, but for them to be successful, it takes cultural accelerators as well as the right technology.

"Collaboration is not just technical," according to Wayne Kurtzman, IDC research director for Social and Collaboration. "It's the cultural willingness to share content and win as team using the right technologies with an assumption that everyone can add value."


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