target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2019 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US45714719

Future of Customer and Consumer: Beyond Personalization Lies Empathy at Scale

By:  Alan Webber Loading


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This IDC Perspective examines the next stage in customer experience in the progression from personalization to empathy at scale. Brands must address a fundamental question: How can organizations use technology to respond to customers and employees in a more human way that adds value for both the person and the organization? This IDC Perspective draws on the research into human empathy and, specifically, cognitive empathy as a strategy and a next step for digitally transformed organizations to further differentiate themselves from other brands while building a better relationship with customers and employees.

"Though personalization is the state of the art right now for providing a unique and differentiated customer and employee experience, as people and organizations adopt more technology to become more efficient and more effective, we also become more disconnected," notes Alan Webber, program vice president, Customer Experience and Digital Strategy at IDC. "It is the responsibility of brands and organizations to reestablish that connection with customers and employees. To do that will require technology like data, analytics, and AI to overcome our current technology barriers to connection and understanding, thus focusing on providing cognitive empathy at scale."


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