target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2019 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US45719819

The CIO's Role in Optimizing Enterprise Employee Experience: Taking Care of the Basics

By:  Cora Carmody Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses cost-effective ways that CIOs can make a substantial difference in enterprise employee experience. From hire to retire, prospective and settled employees' experience of and attitude toward an enterprise are directly related to the ease with which they can access technology. As tempting as the opportunity is to apply new disruptive technologies in the hopes of attracting and retaining employees, if the employees feel that "using technology shouldn't have to be so hard," the CIO has more work to do on the basics.

"A review of every stage of the employee journey will yield opportunities for improvement — minor and major, low cost and high. Fixes that are easy, cheap, and fast could improve employee productivity with a positive impact disproportionate to the cost," says Cora Carmody, adjunct analyst with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "Look at each stage of the employee journey through his/her lens and use IT to drive improvement in employee attraction and retention in an era of severe talent demand."


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