The Future CEO

The Intersection of Leadership and Technology to define the Next Normal

CEO Learnings from 2020

Highlights from a series of interviews carried out with leading CEOs.

CEO Quotes

“Every CEO should have a digital and cyber-security strategy, in the way you deal with customers, your own supply chains and in the way you deal with talking and working with your own employees”

Bas Burger
CEO of BT Global Services

“Be resilient and have no fear: it is extremely important to react quickly, especially in a crisis time. In March, our bank’s C-Suite decided to implement a remote working initiative because workers were afraid by the COVID-19, so we preferred them to feel safe before looking at the results of the company”

Miruna Senciuc
CEO of BNP Paribas Personal Finance Bucharest branch

“Without technology, we would have been dead. We could not have worked. It was a huge enabler. It’s essential”

Bob De Man
CEO of Raiffeisen Leasing

European Chief Analyst and WW C-Suite Tech Research Lead

“Every CEO is realizing that they need to become more of a Tech CEO – so the intersection of technology and leadership will indeed be critical to the Future Enterprise. But its not just tech savviness of the CEO, it’s the broader C-Suite, the board and the entire organization. The objective of this research is help CEOs create a new playbook that is increasingly tech-driven for the digital economy in the future”

IDC Webcast

Tech to the top – 3 ways IT providers can make a difference for European C-suites – an IDC European webcast

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The Post Pandemic Pivot: 5 Key Focus Areas for CEOs in 2021

1. Building a People-Centric
Leadership Model

1 in 2 European organizations are undertaking workplace and workforce
transformation programs, focusing on collaborative workspaces, talent
development tools to increase employee experience and productivity

2. Re-assessing
Digital Strategies

3 in 5 European CEOs constantly work in
clearly setting digital transformation targets
and KPIs

3. Social Consciousness
in the Board Room

60% of European organizations considers highly
important looking at sustainability strategies as a critical area for building organization’s
strategy in 2021

4. Adopting a
Learning Mindset

40% of European organizations see investment
in big data & analytics critical to enable a better
organization visibility and understanding

5. Tech Leadership’s Time
to Shine in the C-Suite

83% of European tech leaders sits at
digital investment decision-making table

The pandemic has forced businesses to adapt quickly, become resilient, and adopt progressive strategies, culminating in an acceleration towards their digital destinies. According to IDC research, at 2 out of 3 of European organizations the CEO saw increased pressure to invest in and further strengthen digital transformation projects. IDC’s ongoing research has also identified 5 key focus-points for CEOs as they look ahead to the post-pandemic era.

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The Pandemic Made It Imperative For CEOs to Digitally Transform

CEOs Need to Develop a Leadership Model that Reflects on the New Direction of Society, that is more Digital, Sustainable and Diverse

In the short term, technology has proven to be a key enabler that has kept businesses afloat during the crisis by enabling remote work, agile business, and external digital engagement.

In the longer term, organizations will leverage technology to underpin every single process, initiative, or value chain as they journey to the future state — the future enterprise.


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“C-Suite Tech Agenda”


Our analysts know the technology needs of banking and healthcare aren’t the same as those of government or energy. Our research reflects that.

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Read IDC’s takeaways from our recent CEO interviews in
“Five Key Takeaways from IDC’s Ongoing CEO Research”


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How disruptions demand CEO to Digitally Transform

In almost 2 out of 3 of European organizations the CEO saw a relevant pressure to invest and further strengthen digital transformation projects and investments and in the next 5 years, the European Digital transformation spend will increase at a double digital CAGR, growing at 15%.

Q: How much has pressure increased on the CEO to digitally transform as result of the COVID-19 crisis?

Source: IDC EMEA, EU Digital Future Reignition Survey, December 2020 (n= 412)

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