Malini Paul

Senior Research Manager, Personal Computing Devices

  • By: 

    • Hirotoshi Asano Loading
    • Anuroopa Nataraj Loading
    • Daniel Goncalves Loading
    • Maciek Gornicki Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Evan Hardie Loading
    • Linn Huang Loading
    • Nikolina Jurisic
    • Bryan Ma Loading
    • Neha Mahajan Loading
    • Tetsuya Maruyama Loading
    • Sunil Narayanappa Loading
    • Isaac Ngatia Loading
    • Malini Paul Loading
    • Marlene Reyes Loading
    • Milos Vuckovic Loading
    • Adriana Blanco Loading
    • Loren Loverde Loading
    • Jay Chou Loading
    • Jitesh Ubrani Loading
    This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview of and definitions for personal computing devices (PCDs). The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's PCD hardware research.This taxonomy outlines market segmentati...
  • By: 

    • Angela Salmeron Loading
    • Malini Paul Loading
    • Ashok Patel Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation is a guide for IT departments in their PC procurement decisions. IT departments are challenged with a complex and fast-changing regulatory environment in Europe. Moreover, beyond regulations, at least one in...
  • By: 

    • Tim Brunt
    • Neha Mahajan Loading
    • Liam Hall
    • Fouad Charakla
    • Alma Gonzalez
    • Linn Huang Loading
    • Kazuko Ichikawa
    • Kenneth Liew
    • Paola Soriano
    • Hirotoshi Asano Loading
    • Daniel Goncalves Loading
    • Maciek Gornicki Loading
    • Nikolina Jurisic
    • Stefania Lorenz
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Tetsuya Maruyama Loading
    • Anuroopa Nataraj Loading
    • Malini Paul Loading
    • Jay Gumbiner
    • Bryan Ma Loading
    • Ryan Reith
    • Loren Loverde Loading
    • Jay Chou Loading
    • Jitesh Ubrani Loading
    This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview of and definitions for personal computing devices (PCDs). The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's PCD hardware research.This taxonomy outlines market segmentati...
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