Middle East IT Services Strategies

IDC's Middle East IT Services Strategies service analyzes country markets in the Middle East. This service combines detailed market forecasts with market insights, key indicators and analyses, and emerging digital business strategies and opportunities. It is an indispensable source of strategic market information for active service providers, hyperscale cloud operators, telecom operators, and IT hardware and software vendors in the region, as well as those seeking to assess opportunities in these fast-growing markets. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia are the key countries covered, but the service also examines trends in the wider region.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Technology and digital transformation trends
  • CIOs' business and technology investment priorities and challenges
  • Business and IT consulting trends
  • Systems integration and application customization
  • Hosting and colocation services
  • Managed services
  • CIOs' partner engagement models
  • CIOs' preferred delivery models
  • Channel partner ecosystem development

Core Research

  • Saudi Arabia IT Services Market Forecast, 2023–2028
  • MarketGlance: Business and IT Services in Saudi Arabia, 1Q24
  • Saudi Arabia Organizations' Digital Business Strategies Aspirations: LoBs' and CIOs' Priorities, 2024
  • Saudi Arabia Organizations' IT Business Outcome-Driven and Tech-Enabled Services Aspirations: LoBs' and CIOs' Priorities, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Saudi Arabia Services, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Saudi Arabia IT Consulting and Systems Integration Services, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Saudi Arabia Managed Services, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Saudi Arabia Hosting, Datacenter, and Colocation Services, 2024
  • Saudi Arabia Channel Partner Business Model Evolution, 2024
  • United Arab Emirates IT Services Market Forecast, 2023–2028
  • MarketGlance: Business and IT Services in the UAE, 1Q24
  • UAE Organizations’ Digital Business Strategies Aspirations: LoBs' and CIOs' Priorities, 2024
  • UAE Organizations’ IT Business Outcome-Driven and Tech-Enabled Services Aspirations: LoBs' and CIOs' Priorities, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: UAE Services, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: UAE IT Consulting and Systems Integration Services, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: UAE Managed Services, 2024
  • Market Analysis Perspective: UAE Hosting, Datacenter, and Colocation Services, 2024
  • UAE Channel Partner Business Model Evolution, 2024
  • IDC MarketScape: Middle East and Africa Cloud Professional Services 2024 Vendor Assessment

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. Which strategies will allow service providers, vendors, telcos, and cloud operators to tap into digital transformation opportunities in the region?
  2. What are the key market trends and developments, and how will they impact services use and spending in the Middle East?
  3. What new distribution models are service channel players implementing?
  4. Which technology user trends are influencing digital business in the region in areas such as AI, data services, and application modernization?
  5. What are the market trends regarding the adoption of cloud-related professional services in the Middle East?
  6. What new use cases are relevant in the Middle East, and how can service providers capture market share?
  7. What are the competitive positionings of service providers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia?