IDC Health Insights

Key Trends in
Healthcare and Lifesciences

2020 and 2021 were about digital acceleration. 2022 and beyond will be about establishing and consolidating digital innovation best practices in healthcare and life sciences.

Generative AI in Healthcare: Benefits and Risks

As IT healthcare analysts we are biased towards excitement for generative AI, but also cautious in its integration in the business at all costs, especially when we refer to healthcare organisations. It’s impossible not to be impressed, excited and terrified when you’re shown the latest technology.

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Using industry insights to gain competitive advantage

What are the factors driving ICT buyers in healthcare? How do you gain insight into the buying process within healthcare? IDC's Health Insights' Worldwide Health Industry Intelligence programme helps you to understand the challenges and drivers facing ICT buyers. To help you engage your target audience and drive growth.

Meet the Team

Adriana Allocato

Research Manager, Health Insights, IDC Europe

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of IDC Insights and IDC Future of Work Executive Lead - Europe, IDC

Nino Giguashvili

Senior Research Analyst

Silvia Piai

Research Director, Europe

Federico Mayr

Research Analyst

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