IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Utilities Platforms and Technologies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of John Villali
John Villali

Senior Research Director, IDC Energy Insights

Digital transformation is driving utilities to change their business and operating and information models. The IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Utilities Platforms and Technologies service is designed to help North American utility IT and business management understand the disruptions that are transforming the energy and utility value chains and develop the strategies and programs to capitalize on the evolving opportunities. The service provides deep research and insight on the key topics that matter to North American utility decision makers and IT executives affected by the digital transformation. Through an integrated set of deliverables, subscribers gain access to analysis and insights on the impact of new technologies, IT strategies and best practices, and the industry, governmental, and regulatory forces that are shaping the evolution to new industry business models in the industry's generation, transmission and distribution/pipelines, and retail sectors. This service delivers research, insight, and guidance on IT strategy and investments to meet the utility's most critical corporate objectives.


IDC Energy Insights has a long record of working with leaders at utility companies to accelerate information and communications technology (ICT) planning, optimize investment, and manage risk. The IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Utilities Platforms and Technologies service develops new analysis and comprehensive data insights through IDC Energy Insights' proprietary research initiatives integrated with a disciplined process of interacting and working with the industry, government and regulatory bodies, the technology community, IDC experts and analysts, and other industry experts. With decades of experience in the energy industry, our analysts tap their deep expertise and a vast reservoir of intellectual property from IDC and IDC Energy Insights. IDC analysts work with subscribers to identify and prioritize research, affording subscribers a privileged role in crafting the service's research focuses.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Managing IT investment and strategy in the context of new competition and regulation
  • New customer engagement and experience models
  • Connected products and new revenue streams
  • The convergence of operational technology and information technology to improve security, operations, and capital planning
  • Prioritizing and aligning the appropriate technology initiatives for digital transformation

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. How are utilities using new and legacy ICT technologies to address their most strategic corporate objectives and develop the enterprise capability to respond to the coming industry disruption?
  2. What emerging technologies will be prominent in the utility industry digital transformation?
  3. What do IT investment and spending priorities look like across the industry?
  4. What part do analytics play in the digital transformation in the utility industry?
  5. What is the new omni-channel digital transformation overtaking the utility industry?
  6. How quickly is the industry maturing in its use of innovation accelerators and other emerging and innovative technologies?
  7. What digital transformation lessons can be learned from other industries?
  8. What utilities are leading in the digital transformation?
  9. What services firms are delivering digital transformation services to utilities?

Who Should Subscribe

This service is targeted for the regulated utility industry — electric, gas, water, and combination utilities, investor owned, municipal, and cooperative — as well as unregulated entities such as generation and retail energy. Executives and practitioners from across the functional breadth of the utility industry will find value in this service's research, analysis, and insights. CIOs, senior executives, management, and staff with responsibilities for strategy operations will derive value from access to research and analyses provided through this service. On the sell side, technology vendors — both horizontal IT vendors and utility-specific technology solutions, services, and consulting firms — will find that the IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Utilities Platforms and Technologies research advisory service delivers analysis and insights for their unique perspectives as well.