Digital Sovereignty

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Rahiel Nasir
Rahiel Nasir

Research Director, European Cloud Practice

The need to comply with regulatory requirements and expanding cloud usage continue to fuel interest in solutions for digital sovereignty worldwide. At the IT level, the main focus is on products, services, and platforms for data sovereignty and sovereign cloud. Many organizations believe these can also bring other advantages, such as enhancing cybersecurity and resilience and boosting customer and stakeholder trust. Vendors and service providers are responding with dedicated solutions for sovereignty, not just targeting Europe that has seen the greatest demand but also in other jurisdictions where there are growing concerns over data privacy. IDC's Digital Sovereignty CIS tracks and analyzes supply, demand, and developments in the sovereign cloud markets globally and offers insights into what's needed to build sovereign cloud, the challenges users face, and how these can be overcome.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Building sovereign cloud – what the global and local players offer
  • Choosing and using a sovereign cloud – challenges for users
  • Workloads for sovereign cloud
  • The impact of AI

Core Research

  • Worldwide Digital Sovereignty Survey
  • Worldwide Digital Sovereignty Taxonomy
  • Worldwide Digital Sovereignty Market Forecast
  • Regional updates
  • Advice and recommendations for vendors and users

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What is digital sovereignty and why is it relevant as part of a multicloud strategy?
  2. What's driving the current and future need for sovereign solutions?
  3. What solutions are needed to implement a sovereign strategy?
  4. Sovereign challenges — what should providers and users look out for and how can pitfalls be avoided?
  5. What's in it for sovereign solution providers (TAM)? What's in it for users (business outcomes)?