target audience: TECH BUYER Publication date: Jul 2022 - Document type: IDC MaturityScape - Doc Document number: # US47771922
IDC MaturityScape: Future of Industry Ecosystems 1.0
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This IDC MaturityScape is a guide for organizations planning to expand their industry ecosystems, wherever they are on their journey. The first step is identifying how mature the current approach is, and then where to evolve. This evolution could span limited sharing of data, applications, and operations to sharing across a value chain, industry network and, eventually, across multiple participants from different industries. Within the study, we describe each of the phases as well as the supporting dimensions and sub-dimensions that organizations in every industry need to consider as the next phase of digital transformation takes hold. That is, expanding innovation, decision making, and digital technology outside of the enterprise to enhance growth, improve resiliency, and consistently meet customer, consumer, citizen, or patient needs effectively.
"Extending and opening innovation, collaboration, and operation with partners across an industry ecosystem inside and outside any given industry has become a critical strategy for executives and their organizations. The world and each industry landscape are too complex, dynamic, and disruptive for any one organization to address on its own. As such, every organization needs an external source of data, insights, applications, operations, and expertise to complement and grow its business. This IDC MaturityScape for future of industry ecosystems will help guide executives on their strategy and approach for evolving their industry ecosystems," said Jeffrey Hojlo, research vice president, Future of Industry Ecosystems at IDC.