target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50027123

Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection

By:  Raghunandhan Kuppuswamy Loading


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This IDC Perspective examines the business benefits of AI-powered anomaly detection in organizations. It discusses the various techniques organizations use to identify anomalies and the most prevalent use cases. It also discusses some of the key players in this industry. It provides guidance to technology buyers on how to embrace AI-powered anomaly detection and maximize ROI.

"AI-powered anomaly detection is growing in popularity and has numerous applications across business activities and industries," says Raghunandhan Kuppuswamy, research manager for AI and Automation at IDC. "Choosing the correct AI-powered anomaly detection solutions could eliminate many of the problems associated with anomalies and the issues companies encounter as a result of anomalies."


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