IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Oil and Gas Digital Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Gaurav Verma
Gaurav Verma

Research Director

The IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Oil and Gas Digital Strategies research advisory service provides insights into and analysis of the impact of digital technology investments and business process initiatives on business performance in the upstream, oilfield services, midstream, and downstream sectors of the oil and gas (O&G) industry. Studies will include but not limited to digital transformation (DX), business strategy, best practices, technology selection, and vendor assessment.


IDC Energy Insights has a long history of working with leaders at oil and gas companies to reduce ICT planning, investment, and deployment risk. The IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Oil and Gas Digital Strategies service develops unique analysis and comprehensive data through IDC Energy Insights' proprietary research projects, along with ongoing communications with industry experts, oil and gas company professionals, and suppliers of IT hardware, software, and services to the industry. With decades of experience in the energy industry, our analysts leverage a broad spectrum of expertise and intellectual property from both IDC and IDC Energy Insights. To ensure relevance, our analysts work with subscribers and market leaders to identify and prioritize specific topics to be covered in research reports.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Emerging IT and digital trends (including generative AI, AI, AR/VR, big data and analytics, and mobility) and their impact
  • Digital transformation trends, execution challenges, investment priorities, digital KPIs, and strategy
  • Executable vision for transforming oilfield and plant operations into resilient operations based on innovative 3rd Platform technologies that easily integrate new accelerators such as natural interfaces, 3D printing, robotics, and other new capabilities to rapidly adopt to change
  • Integrated data management platform to generate intelligence and analytics about oilfield, process, and infrastructure performance
  • IT and operational technologies' integration trends, IT investment priorities into OT space, and OT security and governance
  • O&G asset operations transformation and technology-enabled innovation
  • New approaches and technologies to improve productivity and performance
  • Cost reduction of capital projects, drilling, completion, production, operations, and maintenance
  • Next-gen security, safety, and sustainability
  • Oil and gas energy transition trends, challenges, investment priorities, technologies-enabled low-carbon operations, and new energy business model and strategies

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. How can oil and gas companies manage vast amounts of data to derive value?
  2. How are upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas businesses approaching digital transformation?
  3. How do you quickly adapt to change, improve performance, and reduce costs by leveraging innovative technologies and approaches such as analytics, integrated information platform, accelerators, and well life cycle–aligned processes and workflows?
  4. How do emerging technologies such as big data and analytics, cloud, mobility, and social business apply to the oil and gas industry?
  5. What are the key strategies and investment priorities that oil and gas companies are pursuing in the ongoing transition to a low-carbon economy?

Who Should Subscribe

The IDC Energy Insights: Worldwide Oil and Gas Digital Strategies research advisory service is designed for both the oil and gas industry — covering upstream, midstream, oilfield services, and downstream sectors — and technology supplier companies. It caters to majors and supermajors, national oil companies, and independent oil companies. Professionals responsible for ICT in the areas of strategy, budgeting, business architecture, and telecommunications and for business in the areas of exploration and production, midstream and downstream operations, and risk management will benefit from access to research and analyses provided through this service. Nonconventional resource entrepreneurs, communications vendors, traditional horizontal IT vendors, and industry-specific IT software and service vendors can also gain valuable insights from this research.