Intelligent Cloud and Edge Operations with FinOps

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Jevin Jensen
Jevin Jensen

Research Vice President, Infrastructure and Operations

Photo of Stephen Elliot
Stephen Elliot

Group Vice President, I&O, Cloud Operations, and DevOps

Enterprise CIOs and DevOps teams invest in on-premises and cloud-delivered management solutions for public, private, hybrid, and multicloud architectures to optimize application and infrastructure performance, agility, governance, and TCO. Intelligent CloudOps software and SaaS offerings enable consistent automation, configuration, monitoring, management, analytics, and FinOps cost management across diverse cloud resources. Also, the edge has become an increasingly popular growth area for next-generation applications supporting digital enterprises. Software to deploy, secure, and manage the edge is critical to the success of these projects. AI and generative AI are increasingly embedded into intelligent CloudOps software to make it easier and more effective. Enterprise and DevOps buyers, FinOps teams, technology vendors, cloud service providers, and investors all look to IDC's Intelligent Cloud and Edge Operations with FinOps service to provide the expert insight and market intelligence needed to make strategic cloud management software, staffing, and best practices investment decisions.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Cloud management software and SaaS revenue forecast and vendor share research
  • Enterprise best practice research for intelligent cloud management automation, performance, and cost control
  • Major cloud management vendor strategies and announcements
  • FinOps software tools and best practices for adoption and maturity
  • Edge management software and automation solutions
  • Hyperscaler cloud management and governance portfolio assessments
  • IT automation for multicloud provisioning and day 2 resiliency
  • Enterprise cloud management priorities survey research
  • The emerging role of hybrid and multicloud control plane solutions
  • Impact of containers and Kubernetes on cloud management software and operational strategies
  • Growing adoption of infrastructure as code in the enterprise.

Core Research

  • Worldwide Intelligent CloudOps Software Revenue Forecast and Vendor Share
  • FinOps annual Vendor Share and Market Glance
  • IDC MaturityScape for Cloud Management
  • Enterprise Cloud Management Survey Data
  • Vendor Cloud Management Road Map and Portfolio Assessments Hybrid and Multicloud Management Innovators Research
  • IDC TechBrief for Cloud System and Service Management

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the drivers and expected growth rates for cloud management and automation over the next five years?
  2. What are enterprise buyer priorities for cloud automation, performance optimization, governance, and FinOps cost management?
  3. How do major vendor announcements and acquisitions impact the cloud automation market?
  4. How are containers, Kubernetes, infrastructure as code, and serverless computing changing how enterprises manage complex hybrid and multicloud architectures?
  5. What are enterprise functionality priorities for hybrid and multicloud management?
  6. What roles do AI/ML and advanced analytics have in changing the trajectory of the cloud system and service management software market?

Service Benefits

This service is designed to assist hybrid and multicloud software and public cloud service buyers and decision makers — as well as cloud management, automation, and FinOps software vendors and investors — in the development of purchasing, operational, and ecosystem strategies to optimize cloud automation, governance, performance, and FinOps cost optimization. Vendors covered include:

AWS, BMC, Broadcom/VMware, Chef, Cisco, Datadog, Dell, Dynatrace, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM/Hashicorp, Microsoft, New Relic, Oracle, Puppet, Red Hat, and ServiceNow.