Asia/Pacific Security Opportunities: Trust and Resilience

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Linus Lai

Vice President

Photo of Sakshi Grover
Sakshi Grover

Senior Research Manager

Digital transformation has expanded the availability, velocity, and mission-critical need of data. Enterprises need to be prepared to respond to any cyberattack, data breach, and privacy concerns. IDC's Asia/Pacific Security Opportunities: Trust and Resilience provides a comprehensive look at the full breadth of the security market that includes hardware, software, services, and people. This research program examines security market trends, vendor performances, strategies, customer preferences, and buying behaviors for the Asia/Pacific region. It highlights unique perspectives in the Asia/Pacific region around cyber-resilience, compliance, and digital trust issues. The service also provides an analysis of technology advancements, emerging trends, players, and best practices for the Asia/Pacific security market.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Market opportunities and competitive landscape for the Asia/Pacific professional security services market
  • Market analysis for the Asia/Pacific security hardware and software markets
  • Market analysis for Asia/Pacific security services and products
  • Establishing digital trust
  • Market analysis and competitive landscape for the managed and professional security services in the Asia/Pacific region
  • Best practices in emerging areas like Zero Trust, SASE, and XDR
  • Incident response and cyber-resilience
  • Emerging security vendors

Core Research

  • IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Managed Security Services
  • IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Professional Security Services
  • IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Cloud Security Services
  • AP Security Hardware and Software Market Analysis Perspective
  • The State of Cyber-Resilience in Asia/Pacific
  • AP Security Services Market Analysis Perspective
  • Local Compliance Updates on Cybersecurity and Privacy
  • AP Cloud Security Landscape

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the growth opportunities for security providers in the Asia/Pacific region?
  2. What is the state of "hot topics" (like Zero Trust, SASE, and XDR) in the Asia/Pacific region?
  3. Who are the innovative security vendors in the Asia/Pacific region?
  4. How does digital transformation impact end-user behaviors when it comes to security adoption in Asia/Pacific?
  5. How much does AP enterprises spend on security hardware, software, professional security services, cloud security services, and managed security services, including incident responses, forensics, and penetration testing?
  6. What are the strategy updates for the leading security providers in Asia/Pacific?