Worldwide Quarterly Ethernet Switch ODM Direct Tracker

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Photo of Leon Kao
Leon Kao

Senior Research Manager, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Photo of Petr Jirovsky
Petr Jirovsky

Senior Research Director, Network and Telecommunications

Photo of Rohit Mehra
Rohit Mehra

Group Vice President, Network and Telecommunications

IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Ethernet Switch ODM Direct Tracker® provides a quantitative view of market trends and ODM Direct vendor performance in the datacenter Ethernet switch (white-box) market. Specifically, this tracker provides quarterly data for leading ODM Direct vendors by Ethernet switch speed (1Gb, 10Gb, 25Gb/50Gb, 40Gb, 100Gb, and 200Gb/400Gb). The data in this tracker leverages IDC's qualitative and quantitative datacenter networking expertise to provide quarterly quantification of market trends in the Ethernet switch ODM Direct market. IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Ethernet Switch ODM Direct Tracker® presents market data in an easy-to-use pivot table format that allows clients to track any vendor and product segments as needed. IDC's tracker products provide reliable, accurate, and independent market research as a base to create quantitative market analyses and study historical trends.

Technology Coverage

Measurement for this tracker is in port shipments and vendor revenue. This tracker provides total market size and vendor share information for the following technology areas:

Core Coverage

  • Company and vendor
  • Technology: Ethernet switch
  • Speed: 1Gb, 10Gb, 25Gb/50Gb, 40Gb, 100Gb, and 200Gb/400Gb

Geographic Scope

  • North America
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)
  • Asia/Pacific (including Japan) (APJ)
  • Latin America

Data Deliverables

This tracker is delivered on a quarterly basis via downloads. Deliverables for this tracker are listed below. For a complete delivery schedule, please contact an IDC sales representative.

  • Historical data