Worldwide Payment Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Aaron Press
Aaron Press

Research Director, Worldwide Payment Strategies

Photo of Jerry Silva
Jerry Silva

Program Vice President

The payment industry has seen drastic changes in the past decade, and the pace of change is accelerating. New networks, technologies, and business models have changed the way consumers and businesses make and accept payments. Technology vendors and their financial institution customers must embrace these changes to create innovations of their own. Stakeholders across the payment value chain – banks, fintechs, networks, merchants, corporations, and consumers – face increasingly complex decisions. In this turbulent market, the players need more than facts and figures; they need critical analysis and insightful opinions.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Developing trends in electronic payments such as real-time networks, omni-channel payments, and alternative payment networks
  • Trends in electronic payments for consumer-to-business and business-to-business purchase transactions
  • Enterprise risk, compliance, and fraud issues affecting payment products
  • Legal and regulatory issues around the world that will affect how payments develop
  • Middle- and back-office technologies that will affect the payment strategies of financial institutions
  • Emerging technologies, such as cloud, blockchain, and AI, and their potential for altering the payment landscape

Core Research

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • IDC MarketScape: Integrated Bank Payment Systems
  • IDC PlanScape: Real-Time Payments
  • IDC TechBrief: Next-Generation Issuer Processing Platforms
  • Payment Consolidation: Bringing Together Bank, Business, and Retail Payments
  • IDC MaturityScape: Global Real-Time Payments
  • IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Payment Strategies

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

Throughout the year, this service will answer the following topics:

  1. What do financial institutions need to know about emerging technology?
  2. How do vendors and financial institutions build products that succeed in this dynamic market?
  3. What are the market opportunities for solutions providers and vendors?
  4. How will new technology providers and start-ups affect the market?
  5. How will regulatory issues around the world change the payment market for vendors, financial institutions, merchants, and consumers?
  6. Why do financial institutions need to modernize and streamline payments infrastructure?
  7. Who in the market is offering truly innovative products and solutions?