IDC Financial Insights: Asia/Pacific Financial Services Platforms and Technologies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Dr. Ashish Kakar
Dr. Ashish Kakar

Research Director

Photo of Michael Sek Pheng Yeo
Michael Sek Pheng Yeo

Associate Research Director

The transformation pressure on financial service institutions (FSIs) is intensifying in light of an ever-tighter corset of regulations; the emergence of new digital business and operating models powered by and delivered through a diverse, connected ecosystem of service providers, partners, and clients; and new technologies pushing the boundaries of productivity and data-driven decision-making. This forces a massive rethinking among senior decision-makers on how to respond to market drivers and future proof their business by putting in place the digital infrastructure, skills and capabilities, governance, security, and automation tools to respond flexibly and in a data-driven manner to what life throws at them.

The IDC Financial Insights: Asia/Pacific Financial Services Platforms and Technologies theme guides Asia/Pacific FSIs and tech suppliers through the diversity of Asia/Pacific's market specificities, innovative differentiators, and local regulatory themes and makes informed decisions, about the future of digital infrastructure, legacy modernization strategies and platforms, AI, and automation, improving data accuracy, cybersecurity, and digital sovereignty.


The IDC Financial Insights: Asia/Pacific Financial Services Platforms and Technologies theme is a subset of the IDC Worldwide Financial Services Platforms and Technologies program providing readers a regional focus on Asia/Pacific. Subscribers can access a series of reports zooming in on regional specificities such as regulations, business priorities and technology adoption paths, and vendor evaluations.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Asia/Pacific has emerged as a major source for business model innovation and rapid digitalization, combining approaches for both highly developed and emerging markets. The theme will showcase best practices of how financial institutions are leveraging differing strategies across ecosystems, digital technologies, and embedded finance, to reinvent themselves.
  • The Asia/Pacific theme gives data-driven insights into regional business and technology priorities, challenges and opportunities, value impact of use cases, and transformative trends across a highly diverse region.
  • Vendor selection differs by region due to local/regional champions, long-standing relationships, and diverging product portfolios and delivery capabilities. The Asia/Pacific theme will provide regional IDC MarketScapes and IDC ProductScapes to help practitioners identify the best partners and solutions for their goals.

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. What are the most innovative regional case studies in terms of platforms, cloud, and AI?
  2. What will be the most impactful regulations in Asia/Pacific in the next years, and how will they impact Asia/Pacific FSIs and beyond?
  3. Which providers should a financial institution consider as partners in their transformation journey based on its individual needs and strategy?
  4. What are the most important trends, business priorities, challenges, and transformation initiatives for Asia/Pacific financial institutions?

Who Should Subscribe

This theme is addressed at business and IT executives at financial institutions with a transformation and innovation mandate struggling to cut through the buzz of the tech industry and looking for actionable guidance in the form of data from regional surveys, case studies, vendor landscapes and evaluations, and informed insights from expert IDC Financial Insights analysts. The theme will help them fine-tune their strategy based on insights catered to the Asia/Pacific region. In addition, it provides technology suppliers with cutting-edge knowledge on the Asia/Pacific–specific adoption of technologies impacting the FSI landscape.