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IDCPreferred provides IDC clients with the flexibility to access IDC global services, research, and/or speak with IDC analysts outside current subscriptions. Clients have access to On-Demand inquiry support from IDC's Research Desk, available via Live Chat or dedicated email during U.S. Business hours. IDCPreferred clients invest in a bank of inquiry hours that can be client directed toward any IDC analyst discussion, research document, or data cut within the value of their investment.

Address Key Business Issues

In today's dynamic IT markets, clients face the challenge of predicting information requirements for the coming year. As market and planning priorities shift, research and information needs may also shift. IDCPreferred provides flexibility for those unforeseeable needs such as:

  • Analyst discussions outside my subscription area
  • Gaining access to research documents, data points or tables, vendor profiles, or any relevant materials from IDC on a topic outside of my subscribed services
  • Addressing a tactical data or customized perspective need not addressed in my current services

Receive On-Demand Service

Flexible Access to Online Research and IDC Analysts

IDCPreferred gives clients the flexibility to access online research and expert advice from any of IDC's worldwide services.

IDCPreferred On-Demand Support

IDC's Research Desk provides on-demand inquiry support to clients, via Live Chat or dedicated email, during U.S. business hours.The Research Desk team are responsive, highly trained specialists in understanding IDC's research portfolio and deliverables. The Research Desk team is chartered with understanding a client's needs and recommending the best IDC solution suited to fulfilling the request.

Inquiry Privileges

A key benefit to IDCPreferred clients is access to IDC's 1,100 analysts worldwide. This enables clients to tap into the expertise of industry and market experts, obtain strategic and tactical advice, and gain insight into new products and industry events.

Technology Coverage Areas

  • Analytics
  • Artifical Intelligence
  • Business Services
  • Channels
  • Cloud Ecosystems
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cloud Native Security
  • Consumer Technology
  • Cross-Industry Emerging Technologies
  • Customer Experience
  • Digital Business
  • Employee Experience
  • Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
  • Industry Insights: Energy, Financial, Government, Health, Retail, and Manufacturing
  • Infrastructure Markets and Strategies
  • Infrastructure Software
  • Internet of Things
  • IT Market Overview and Perspectives
  • IT Services
  • Mobility
  • Networking
  • Print and Digital Output
  • Semiconductors
  • Software Application and Information Access
  • Software Application Development and Deployment
  • Storage
  • Telecommunications
  • Trusted Access
  • XDR