target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2022 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # AP49443622

Smart City Asia/Pacific Awards Report Series: Transportation — Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Public Transit, and Ride Hailing or Ride Sharing


  • Jezamin Abdul Razak
  • Manoj Vallikkat Loading
  • Ravikant Sharma Loading


  • 9 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation covers selected projects from Asia/Pacific countries that incorporate the use of technology for transportation, including connected and autonomous vehicles, public transit, and ride-hailing and ride-sharing engagement as part of the Smart City Asia/Pacific Awards (SCAPA) program. A system consisting of sensors, software, and GPS allows autonomous vehicles to constantly monitor their surroundings for potential dangers (such as people crossing the street, other vehicles, or animals darting into traffic) and make split-second decisions on how to respond safely and effectively. Self-driving cars are increasingly prevalent in public transport systems, including metro shuttle services and buses.

"We see a transition from traditional transportation to ‘intelligent mobility’ mainly in public transportation systems, which is driven by countries’ respective government authorities. More focus is necessary in ensuring a cohesive ecosystem consisting of transport departments, technology providers, and commuters for seamless mobility. Moving forward, increased focus is required on regulatory policies and approval guidelines for autonomous vehicles to penetrate beyond the public transportation system," says Jezamin Abdul Razak, Head of Government Insights, IDC Southeast Asia.


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