target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2022 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # AP49444722

Smart Cities Asia/Pacific Awards (SCAPA) Report Series: Smart Buildings


  • Jezamin Abdul Razak
  • Manoj Vallikkat Loading
  • Ravikant Sharma Loading


  • 9 slides

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This IDC report covers selected projects from Asia/Pacific countries that utilize smart buildings. In response to the epidemic, several companies have begun using hybrid work models, with enterprise mobile engagement apps offering a digitalized office experience, with a renewed emphasis on employee safety and communication efficiency. Keyless entrance, wireless internet, and the ability to reserve a meeting room or office space in advance are just a few of the amenities that make the building at market a great place to work. These aspects also foster collaboration between employees located in the office and those working remotely. Utilizing smart management of utilities, technology is used to improve the environmental sustainability and operational efficiency of buildings.

"In the future, smart buildings may prove to be extremely useful, and not just for improving residents' quality of life. Smart building technology has the potential to lessen hazards to people's health. For example, real-time data can be generated with the assistance of Internet of Things (IoT) hardware, which makes it possible to stop disease from spreading and create a healthier environment. Additionally, the quality of life is enhanced with the aid of technology in smart buildings, whereas the conventional way typically necessitates a lot of energy. Everything we need is there at our fingertips nowadays," says Jezamin Abdul Razak, head of Government Insight, IDC Asia/Pacific.


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