target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # CHE49826322

China Database Native Security Capabilities Insights, 2022


  • Nan Wang Loading
  • James Wang Loading


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This IDC study introduces the research on Alibaba Cloud, OceanBase, Baidu AI Cloud, PingCAP, Hundsun, Huawei, Tencent Cloud, and Dameng to present the status of the native security capabilities of those representative database products as reference for enterprise customers in buying database products. Since its birth, database software, after decades of development and evolution, has become an indispensable key technology in IT systems, enabling scientific operation, processing, and storage of data, providing a basis for improving data management efficiency, and creating possibilities for data value mining. IDC predicts that global data will have reached 216ZB by 2026. Only when massive amounts of data are circulated across domains to break data silos can the potential value of data be better leveraged. However, the endless data security incidents have also made global enterprise managers aware of the importance of data security. Database native security capabilities are critical to data protection.

"IDC Global DataSphere shows that 216ZB of data will be created globally in 2026, which is an extremely large quantity. It also means that the value of data will be further explored, and the trend of data as an important factor of production will become more noticeable. From a data security perspective, as the media of data storage, the security capabilities of databases are crucial to data security. Only when the databases are strong themselves can they effectively defend against external attacks. Database security vendors must continuously strengthen database native data security capabilities to keep improving the data security level of enterprises," says James Wang, research director at IDC China.


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