Eric Samuel

Associate Research Director, IDC Middle East

More results   for Analyst Research
  • Middle East, Turkey, & Africa Government Sector, 2024: The Digital Transformation Priorities of Business Leaders & CIOs


    • Eric Samuel Loading
    • Derrick Chikanga Loading
    • Jawad Khalil Loading


    Software, Big data, Big data analytics and discovery, Hardware, Storage and the cloud, Telecom, broadband and video, Telecommunications, Enterprise mobility, Services, Global IT and economic markets, Cloud computing, Mobility, Internet of things, 3D printer, Digital transformation, Blockchain, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC Survey Tech Supplier

  • UAE Channel Partner Business Model Evolution, 2024


    • Eric Samuel Loading
    • Melih Murat Loading


    Software, Big data, Hardware, Telecommunications, Services, Global IT and economic markets, Cloud computing, Mobility, Digital transformation, Blockchain, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

  • United Arab Emirates Upcoming Commercial Datacenter Investments, Announcements, and Initiatives, 2023


    • Eren Eser Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading
    • Mufasir Yousuf Loading
    • Eric Samuel Loading


    Software, Big data, Big data analytics and discovery, Hardware, Storage and the cloud, Telecom, broadband and video, Telecommunications, Enterprise mobility, Global IT and economic markets, Cloud computing, Mobility, Internet of things, 3D printer, Digital transformation, Blockchain, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

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