target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2021 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US47568621

Consumption-Driven Digital Infrastructure Subscriptions Are a Priority in 2021

By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight provides insight into how IT buyers are shifting toward consumption-based purchasing strategies for digital infrastructure following their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The document contains data from IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending (FERS) Wave 1 Survey conducted in January/February 2020. The purpose of the FERS survey series (12 monthly surveys) is to explore a range of topics related to IT spending priorities, digital resiliency, and technology/organizational priorities in the next normal. The survey solicited replies from 738 respondents across the United States, Europe, and Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) as well as across a range of industries.

"IDC's research shows that 61% of organizations worldwide agree/strongly agree that their strategy is to aggressively shift to consumption-driven digital infrastructure purchasing models. The increasing complexity and interconnectedness of public cloud and dedicated on-prem and hosted digital infrastructure are driving many organizations to change the way they purchase and manage compute, storage, network, and edge infrastructure. Consumption-driven pay-as-you-go options allow customers to better focus on business outcomes and shift much of the day-to-day technology refresh and system-level support responsibilities to the vendor or cloud service provider." — Mary Johnston Turner, research vice president, Future of Digital Infrastructure Agenda, at IDC


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